The Tenets The

The Movement



  1.  We acknowledge the legacy and history of justice-driven movements that came before us, all of them.  We know that we too will be viewed by history.  We will let our work speak for us.  

  2. This is a movement about anonymity.  Not stardom, credit or viability of craft and craftsmanship.

  3. This is about service over everything.  Not personal agenda or individual passion.  Collectivity over individualism.

  4. This is an unapologetic movement.  We are not “well-behaved”.  We are sarcastic and a movement with attitude.

  5. We are strategic and measured and inclusive.

  6. We are disruptors.  Not to be confused with negotiators or representatives.  We are not sitting at the table.  Asking for a place at the table.  We are shaking up the table and rearranging the seats, and sitting where we please. 

  7. Our work is adjacent.  Not a replacement of other work.  Our role as disruptors does not stop the work of the negotiators and representatives.  It works in concert.

  8. We protect each other and each other’s fragility, social vulnerability, and emotional health.  We keep conversations, names, and level of involvement anonymous in acknowledgment of each other’s collective sacrifices and personal/professional risks.

  9. We respect each other’s varied opinions and expertise over our own many cultured experiences. We abstain from policing each other’s tones, bodies, and politics.

  10. We acknowledge that our movement is not a permanent fixture, nor is participation inside of it.  We allow for ebbing and flowing; joining where you feel compelled and taking a pause where you may fall out of alignment or where other life obligations take precedence.

  11. We are a movement with integrity.  Stepping away or pausing in action means that we continue to protect, value and uphold the tenets of this movement.  We maintain the code of anonymity in relationship to other members of this movement, regardless of our own participation level, and even if our participation ceases.

  12. We are a movement centered in LOVE.  We serve each other and our greater community with compassion.  We acknowledge the sacrifice, weight, emotional toll that this movement has or can take on everyone.  We recognize the sweat equity that everyone has or will contribute.   We will remember this at every crossroads and allow it to be our unifier. 

  13. We are the long game.